M.Com. M.M.S., Ph.D.
35 years in Academics out of which 24 years as a Principal.
- Recognized Ph. D Research Guide for - 1) Marketing & 2) Business Administration of Savitribai Phule Pune University and Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, India.
- Six students completed Ph.D. and 5 more are currently pursuing under his guidance.
- He worked as a Member of various committees at Savitribai Phule Pune University (University of Pune) - Academic Council, Board of Studies (BoS) in Business Practices, Faculty of Commerce, Grievance Redressal Cell, Standing Committee, Advisor to Board of Student's Welfare Committee, and Chairman- B.O.S. in Marketing.
- Recently he is nominated by Savitribai Phule Pune University as Academic Council Member of Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce (BMCC), Pune.
"Best Principal Award” from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India in the year 2011-12
- Published 10 Research Papers in International Journals
- Published 27 articles in National Journals
- Presented papers at National & International Conferences
- 12 books are published as sole Author